“I give you the end of a golden string” - Blake
You placed a golden string within my hand
And set me, unaware, in this life’s maze
to find, through labyrinth, the way you planned.
In all the twists and turns of life’s demand
You drew me on, reminding me always:
You placed a golden string within my hand.
With wilful mind I dallied while the sand
of time marked out my ever shortening days,
to find, through labyrinth, the way you planned.
I prayed to have the grace to understand
the meaning which this mystery conveys:
You placed a golden string within my hand.
And winding it, I rolled the single strand
into a golden ball, where marked the place
to find through labyrinth the way you planned.
And there stood Love the aureate One whose hand
first plucked the golden cord. This hymn I raise:
You placed a golden string into my hand
to find, through labyrinth the way you planned.