Our Prayer
The Christian life is essentially one of prayer. The life of prayer and the life of love are one.
It is in praying that we express the relationship we have in Christ with God. As members of Christ we enter individually and corporately into the prayer of adoration and intercession which Christ is forever making: towards God – dependent, adoring; towards the world – interceding, serving...
The Eucharist
The Eucharistic mystery, both offered and lived, is at the heart of our life.
In the Eucharist, the Body of Christ, the community of faith, is continually created anew. It is our own mystery which we celebrate and receive. You are the body of Christ.
The Divine Office
In the Divine Office we take part in the prayer of Christ in the Church, in the unceasing GLORIA of heaven and earth.
Our praying life is a costly one for with Jesus we take the world’s suffering to our hearts. Eagerly desiring that God’s love for them may be known, we give ourselves to intercede for and serve our neighbours; in ministering to them we grow in love and holiness, and return to our prayer to be renewed at the very source of love.
Personal Prayer
Flowing out from and back into liturgical prayer is personal, interior prayer; in which love responds to love.
Our prayer is above all else the activity of God in us. In praying we are caught up with Christ in the Spirit into the life of the Trinity. Prayer is therefore, first of all a state of life in God.
We have at least an hour and a half daily for personal prayer and spiritual reading.
A life of prayer needs the climate of silence and stillness in which to develop. True silence helps us to deepen our awareness of God’s presence within the depths of our own being, within other people, and the whole created universe.
This silence is never indifference towards others; indeed, silent in God, we can become more truly available to all whom we encounter.
Mother Emily said that we shall often have to discover interior silence and stillness amidst the busyness, noise and activity of modern life.
We spend at least one day a month in retreat and have an annual retreat of at least six days.
from the Rule (1999)
Alternative Liturgy
For a selection of our poetry and prayers, please click here.