In each of our houses, prayer is at the heart of full and active lives: preaching, teaching, cooking, gardening, psychotherapy, Spiritual Direction, working with women on the street... we serve as we are called.
Sisters are engaged in a wide variety of ministries, for example:
At St. Michael's Convent, Gerrards Cross we offer Retreats and Quiet Days.
Our ministry in Bristol involves practical assistance such as giving food parcels at the door, and befriending and listening to callers and volunteers.
Members of the Community are very different from one another, come from different backgrounds, different nationalities and we haven’t chosen one another, so there are many opportunities for tolerance and ‘forbearing one another in love’ as St. Paul says. We’re not a cosy little group who think alike on any and every issue, but a community where living together, making decisions, can not only be costly but very enriching.
St. Paul says ‘God reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.’ (2 Cor 5:18) and we believe that the striving to live together lovingly and fruitfully, seeking as a community to listen to the Spirit’s leading as to the way forward in our life and ministries, can be a true contribution to the world’s need of reconciliation.
If you would like to explore the possibility of a vocation to the Religious Life in the UK, please contact the Novitiate Sister.
Read more about Vocation.
We also welcome Alongsiders - women who are interested in sharing our life for a time, without making a long-term commitment.
Read more about Alongsiders in the UK.
Associates are also valued members of our Community. While leading independent lives, Associates support and are supported by the Community through prayer and fellowship, contributing to the common life as they are able. Anyone interested in exploring the possibility of becoming an Associate in the UK is invited to contact the Associates’ Sister.
Read more about our Associates.
Volunteers have been integral to the life and work of our Community since the earliest days of our foundation. We greatly appreciate the support we have received over the years, and are particularly grateful to those who continue to support us now: in our 5 Loaves and 2 fishes ministry in Bristol, through gardening, greeting guests, answering telephones, and in many other ways throughout the Province. We welcome enquiries from anyone interested in becoming a volunteer.
Contact us for further information.